TheBUSINESS CASEfor Battery Electric Power

Not so long ago, you needed to be an environmentalist to make the case for battery-powered equipment. Today you just need to use your business smarts and ask the right questions. Yes, lithium-ion power costs more up front but once you have factored in the operational advantages of gas versus electric—and compared the lifetime costs—you may have a completely different view.

The PEACE OF MIND CASE for Battery Electric Power

When you’re expected to deliver top quality to your customer and top efficiency to your business, everything counts.

Reliability. Your equipment has to start, it has to run, it has to be easy to maintain, and it has to put in a full day’s work, just like you. Any time that a mower spends in the shop—whether for routine maintenance like tuneups (there are none with Mean Green mowers) or major repairs—is time that it’s not in the field. Electric mowers have fewer moving parts and that means less maintenance.

Efficiency. High ground speed (that doesn’t sacrifce quality), reduced downtime (no refueling stops), and ease of operation all help you get the job done fast—so you can move on to the next one. Mean Green mowers, with speeds of up to 13mph, are likely to leave your gas mowers in the dust! Plus, with their quiet operation, you can start residential jobs earlier in the morning (or finish them later in the day) without annoying your customers.

Employee Satisfaction. Keeping good help is never easy and most lawn service professionals experience more turnover than they would like. But when you take away the gas, the fumes, and the noise of typical gas mowers, and offer the comfort of an extraordinarily smooth ride, the work can be a pleasure.

Read more about the benefits of battery electric power on Mean Green Mowers website: Why Electric?